Improve your speaking for ielts good band score?

There are total three section in speaking :
Each sections have some DOS AND DONS except section-2 has only DOS,
To improve speaking you should apply both DOS and DONS while speaking

Ø Includes time - 4 to 5 minutes
Ø Intro + general part
Ø Topics - home town/food/colours etc
Ø Questions-11 to 12

DOS ( Expand your answers )                                             DONS
v Assume there is a why behind every question.            - Give yes or no answers.
v Answer the question directly.                                      - Speak under breathe.
v Ask them to repeat the question.                         - Say I don’t know.
v Make eye contact.
v Remember the grammer

Section-2 (The long run)
Ø Time - 1 minute to prepare your points.
o   -2 minute to explain.
-         Examiner will not cross question you.
v Write a keyword/points.
v Give a small background story.
v Use personal experience/LIE
v Cover every point
v Expand
v Use paraphrase like :
·       I want to talk about.
·       I would like to talk about.

Ø Topic - Themes related to speaking part-2
Ø Predict/Analyse/Compare
Ø Time – 5 to 6 minutes

DOS                                                                     DONS
v Paraphase the questions.                                      - Stick to one opinion.
v Ask if you don’t understand the question.           - Go out of your                                                                                       comfort zone.
v Give details/add examples.
v Relate questions to your own life.